Season 1 : Ojamajo DoReMi |
Logo : |
Technical specifications : |
Original title : | Ojamajo DoReMi |
French title : | Magical DoReMi |
Date and channel of airing in Japan : | TV Asahi - From February, 7th 1999 to January, 30th 2000 |
Date and channel of airing in France : | FoX Kids - September 2000 to mid-2001 |
Number of episodes : | 51 + Spécial |
Opening : | Ojamajo Carnival ! |
Ending : | Kitto Ashita wa |
Movie : | None |
Studio : | Tôei Animation |
Team : | Producers : TAKUYA Igarashi Character designer : YOSHISHIKO Umakoshi Settings : YUKIE Yuki Musics : KEIICHI Oku |
Seiyuu : | DoReMi : CHIBA Chiemi Hazuki : AKITANI Tomoko Aiko : MATSUOKA Yuki Pop : ISHIKE Sawa Onpu : SHISHIDO Rumi Majorika : NAGAZAWA Naomi more ? ^^ |
French dubbers : | DoReMi : Laurence Sacquet Hazuki : Valérie de Vulpian Aiko : Fily Keita Pop : Fily Keita Onpu : Odile Schmitt Momoko : Francine Lainé Majorika : Blanche Ravalec Hana bébé : Fily Keita |
Official website : | www |
Story of the season : |
The first season's first episode introduces us with DoReMi, an 8 years old girl who keeps complaining about "her bad luck" quite everywhere. While rambling in the streets, she heads without realizing it towards a magical shop, Maho-Do, held by the witch Majorika and her fairy Lala. But, DoReMi, by calling Majorika "Witch !" with a loud voice and pointing her out with her finger, gets her transformed into a kind of frog, a witch frog. So Majorika , quite angered by her new appearance asks DoReMi to become her witch apprentice so that she can bring her back to her regular appearance. DoReMi, who always dreamed of becoming a witch, obviously accepts with pleasure and finally becomes a witch apprentice ! Then she brings in, despite herself, her friends Hazuki and Aiko (who's just arrived in her class) and who become shortly afterwards witches (lot more efficient than DoReMi in certain situations). To practice magic, they need Magical Balls (which change depending of their level) and these balles aren't free, they have to buy them from Dela with money won in connection with magic. So they decide to refurbish Majorika's shop which was a bit dark and dusty, in order to sell small talisman items. A witch apprentice's life is stepped by exams. After their first exam (Witchcraft's Exam n°9) which DoreMi passes at the second try, they each receive a small fairy: DoReMi gets Dodo, Hazuki gets Rere et Aiko gets Mimi. But Majorika has a rival : Majoruka and during an episode where the 3 apprentices "fight" against her, Pop, DoReMi's little sister sees them in action, so in order to prevent a disaster, she also becomes an apprentice. Later, a new pupil arrives in DoReMi, Aiko et Hazuki's class. Her name is Onpu and she's a music star. We discover shortly afterwards that she's Majoruka's apprentice ! At the beginning, she's quite loathsome with the 3 others, but little by little, becomes their friend. The season's last episode takes place a day when a lot of people (leaded by Reika, the 4 girls' enemy) open in the Magical shop the door leading to the Witch World and see DoReMi, Aiko, Hazuki and Onpu in their witch appearances with the two frogs Majorika and Majoruka, accompanied by their fairies Lala and Hehe. Onpu, to prevent her friends and herself from being changed into frogs, uses the Prohibited Magic : she erases all the people's memories. As a punishment, she's gotten asleep for a 100 years long period. But her friends don't want to let it happen and ask the Witch World's Queen for help. The Queen tells them that there's only one way to save her and that whether it works or not, they must quit being apprentices. After having thought about it, they summon the Magical Stage (a magical circle within which the powers of the witches who invoke it is reunited) but at first it doesn't work and we see Pop appear to help them. The circle finally frees Onpu from her sleep and then, they must all give their magical taps back to the Queen. They're no longer part of the Witch World and Majorika , Majoruka, Lala, Hehe, Dodo, Rere and Mimi, who cannot stay anymore in the human world, go live to the village of the witch frogs. The episode ends with DoReMi saying : "We aren't witches anymore, but at least we've become the best friends in the World !" |
Episodes' titles : |
WATASHI DOREMI! MAJO MINARAI NI NARU!! | L'école des Sorcières |
WATASHI,HAZUKI-CHAN NI NARU! | Etre ou ne pas être soi |
SHINSO KAITEN! MAHODO | La boutique Magique |
USOTSUKI WA YUJO NO HAJIMARI | Le mensonge est un vilain défaut |
MEZASE 9KYU! MAJO SHIKEN | Le premier examen |
MAJO NO SEKAI E GO!! | L'examen de rattrapage |
DOKOITTANO!? YOUSEI DODO | Les aventures de Dodo |
PINCH! SENSEI NI BARECHATTA!! | Une vieille dame indigne |
TAISETSU NA SHIRT NO NEGAIGOTO | Le voeu du footballeur |
MINNNA FUGOUKAKU!? 8KYU SHIKEN | Partons au pays magique ! |
WARATTE YURUSHITE!? | Une mission difficile |
MAJORICA YOUCHIENN NI IKU | Bibi a trouve une amie |
KOI WO TSURIAGEYOU | Le lac des amoureux |
YADA-KUN WA FURYOSHOGAKUSEI!? | Le fauteur de trouble |
HAZUKI-CHAN YUUKAI SARERU! | L'enlèvement d'Emilie |
MAJORUCA GOODS WA KIKENGA IPPAI | Des objets dangereux |
6KYU MAJO ENO MICHI WA TOOI!? | Le mauvais sort |
DAIGYAKUTEN!? OJAMAJO NO SHIREN | A la recherche des boules magiques |
MAJORUCA TAI 6KYU OJAMAJO! | Le combat final |
OJAMAJO POP TOUJO!? | L'apprentie sorcière |
OYAJI-DE GA YATTEKITA!? | L'ordinateur ensorcelé |
KOI WA KOUGEN NO KAZE NI NOTTE | Un objet ensorcelé |
NATSUMATSURI NI TAP GA KIETA! | Une console magique a disparu |
YUUREI NI AITAI! | Rencontre avec un fantôme |
MONGOL KARANO OKURIMONO | Cadeau de Mongolie |
DATOU TAMAKI! GAKKYUIIN SENKYO | Les élections de classe |
UNDOUKAI WA PANIC GA IPPAI! | Le festival athlétique |
OKAACHAN NI AITAI! | La mère de Sophie |
TENKOUSEI WA MAJO MINARAI!? | Une nouvelle apprentie |
4KYU SHIKEN WA DO DO DO DO DO-! | Le lièvre et la tortue |
MAJOGAERU GA IPPAI! | Le pays des Maggie Grigri |
RYOUTA TO MAYONAKA NO KAIJU | Le monstre de Minuit |
DOREMI NO KARE WA CHUGAKUSEI! | Le petit ami de DoReMi |
DOREMI RAKUSHO? 3KYU SHIKEN | Le 3ème examen est-il facile ? |
CHICHI TO KO SHOURI ENO ITTE! | Le maître de échecs |
OJAMAJO SEIGI NO TATAKAI!? | Combat contre la justice |
JOSHI PRO-WRESTLER NI NARITAI! | La lutteuse professionelle |
SANTA-SAN WO SUKUE! | Aider le Père Noel |
MAJO NO KAKUSIGEI TAIKAI! | Le festival des Sorcières |
OTOUCHAN NO OMIAI | Le mariage du père de Sophie |
ONPU NO MAIL WA LOVE LETTER? | Le génie de l'ordinateur |
SAYONARA MAHO-DO | Le long sommeil de Loulou |
Girls' outfits and magical items : |
 | In the first season, the apprentices' outfit is quite simple to describe. For instance, for DoReMi, it's a pink tone, her favorite color (no? kidding? ^^). So the dress and the hat are pink, and the boots and the gloves are fuschia colored with bracelets around them. We can also notice the magical tap at the top, in the middle of the dress. |
 | The magical tap (or cadre, Maho Tappu in the original version) is what transforms rgular girl DoReMi into a small witch. In order to do so, she must hold it in her hand and press on its center. The tap then flies in the air and changes into a dress. Then, DoReMi catches the dress and puts it on the top of her normal clothes. Then, the boots appear instead of the shoes, then she puts her hat on the top of her head and finally she gets the pose that you can see above. |
 | In the first part of the first season (until she passes the 4th exam), DoReMi has a different wand than her 2 friends because she became an apprentice before them. It's a craccordeon (Peperuto Poron). |
 | Hazuki and Aiko have wands called respectively Bicordeon and Trocordeon (Puwapuwa Poron and Popun Poron) which are different and smaller than DoReMi's one. They're not only magical wands, They're kinds of music instruments . |
 | In the second part of the first season, after their exam, DoReMi, Hazuki, Aiko (and probably Onpu even if she hasn't yet arrived in the anime) get her wands transformed into new ones (Waruuru Poron). It's in fact a fusion between their favorite instrument and the old wand (DoReMi for instance will merge it with her past childhood little piano, Aiko with her Mouth-organ and Hazuki with her violin). |