Name : Onpu Segawa French name : Loulou/Nicole Segawa Born the : March 3rd Fairy : Roro (in French : Lolo) Description : Onpu is the 3rd great friend of DoReMi, Hazuki and Aiko. At first she was a very famous and really appreciated singer. She arrives in the 3 friends' class around episode 30 and shows a really disdainful and selfish behaviour towards them. Then, the day of an audition for a movie during which for the last test, she has to disguise herself, she appears... as a witch ! And she cheats by charming the judges in order to be chosen. In fact, she's the student of Majorika's rival, Majoruka, who was also changed into a frog. But she soon becomes the three apprentices friend until the end of the season when she saves them from the worst. At last, we can add that even if she really has a good friendship with the others, she often seems to be apart, but this feeling turns out to be wrong throughout the seasons ^^. |