Name : Pop Harukaze French name : Bibi Harukaze Born the : September 9th Fairy : Fafa Description : She's DoReMi's little sister. A lot more efficient than her in quite every domain (when she becomes Majorika's apprentice in episode 25, she progresses a lot faster than her sister..), she even has a full dating timetable (she even dares asking DoReMi how it is possible that at their age, her and her friends are still without boyfriends !). She becomes good friend with Onpu because they have the same personality. At last, she enjoys bothering her sister as everyone says that she's really mature for a kid, but deep inside, she's still a baby : for instance she can't prevent herself from getting asleep very early (which makes her often miss her exams), or the fact that she strongly believes in Santa Klaus, that's cute (who said he didn't exist ?!) ^^. |